#6 How to help a marriage in trouble

SLC #6 How to help a marriage in trouble WP

We all know someone whose marriage is in trouble or has ended. Often, they will drop hints or even speak openly in general conversation. How can we be supportive and helpful to friends and family when their marriage is struggling? Join us, and our guest, as we dig deep into our experience and share what we’ve learned from the experts.


Philippa Caulfield

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The Take Home

Flash Prayers

When the situation arises, remember, you aren’t doing this alone. Whether you’re the spouse in the difficult situation, or a friend trying to help, call on God. And do it on the spot. Don’t wait for a quiet time, or private place. Invite God into the space and let him lead.

Flash prayers can take any format: e.g.

  1. The Jesus prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  2. Holy Spirit prayer: Come Holy Spirit, Come now, Come as you will.
  3. Divine Mercy: Jesus, I trust in you.
  4. Call on Mary or a Patron Saint: Memorarae, Hail Mary.


Michelle Weiner-Davis – Divorce Busters
Renaissance of Marriage workshop – The Accidental Counsellor
SL Blog – How a confidant can help a SOS marriage
Resources – SmartLoving SOS

Bless you!

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Francine & Byron Pirola

Francine & Byron Pirola are the founders and principal authors of the SmartLoving series. They are passionate about living Catholic marriage to the full and helping couples reach their marital potential. They have been married since 1988 and have five children. Their articles may be reproduced for non commercial purposes with appropriate acknowledgement and back links. For Media Enquiries Please Contact us here

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